Archive for July 13, 2012

For a better life, the first thing you have to do is to ‘Stop Complaining’.You can put your time and energy on living the life that you want instead of complaining always…. .……………

If you think you are unhappy read her story……………
If you think you suffer a lot in life ,do you suffer as-much as she does ??

highly inspirational

If you think things are worse for you, look at her .

being positive

Always smile’


Still she is happy…Instead of complaining about how hard or rough your life is, take a look at all the good things that you have in your life.

still smiling

Have faith

always positive

When God pushes you to the edge of difficulty ,trust him fully.
Because two things will happen.. Either he will catch you when you fall Or he will teach you how to fly ……….

have faith.. everything is possible

A friend of mine shared this post with me. It gives a great message ‘ Be thankful to all you have in this lifetime .
Let us complain less and give more !!!!!!!!!!!!